Download the RMD Group App to view your loyalty points & receive exclusive discounts & bonus offers!
Getting started is easy

Sign up below and activate your loyalty account.

Eat & drink at your favorite RMD venues.
Present your loyalty card (from the RMD Group app) or give your name to your server when closing out to earn & redeem points, it’s truly that simple!
*Points cannot be earned or redeemed on private events.
How does the program work?

Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on liquor, beer, wine, or non-alcoholic beverage.

Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on food.

You’ll get $5 in RMD bucks for every 100 points collected!
Don't forget to download the RMD Group App to view your loyalty points & receive exclusive discounts & bonus offers!
Having trouble signing up? Let us know how we can help.
*RMD points cannot be earned or redeemed on private events.
Request for Consultation
Let’s get to work
We’d love to hear what you have in mind.